I've failed to post as regularly as I'd like to these past two months. Sometimes you just lose the fire. I'm hoping to up my game again and start posting daily. FORTUNATELY, Vegan MoFo kicks off in two days, and that will be some extra motivation. And if you haven't already, you should sign up, too! Post a comment on Cake Maker's Blog before October 2 to be included on the list and on the RSS feed. And if you want to go the extra mile, mail out a press release to your local media about the Vegan Month of Food.
Looking forward to seeing you post more often!
SWEET i'm totally going to pimp veganism here on campus for the next month.
and we all know that i'm super lazy at posting...no worries.
I still have a hard time getting behind something called "Vegan MoFo"
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