When I was little, we lived in Santa Barbara, CA. My mom, for some strange reason, was obsessed with winter holidays. She had whole collections of strange Christmas CD's, our houses always had to have a fire place [[we moved a lot]], and we always baked a lot. As a kid I always enjoyed it, but looking back I see how silly it is to have a roaring fire when it's 70 degrees out. It was all fun, but seemed really unnecessary. My mom wore Ugg boots with her shorts and t-shirt.
Now that I live in the mid-west, where there are seasons, especially fall and winter, I'm starting to understand exactly why we do all these wintery things around the holidays. It's grey. It's cold. All your plants died. It's pretty depressing. But baking... and fires... and snuggling... those all grab new meaning to me.
I was laying on the couch last night, feeling cold and bored and just zoning out like a giant sloth. The cold weather really gets me down. Eventually, I got out "The Joy of Vegan Baking" and made her amazingly delicious blueberry scones. And suddenly I didn't seem to mind that it was near freezing and dark at 6. Because I was eating an incredibly flaky, warm blueberry scone. That was my a-ha moment. Baking makes so much more sense when it sucks outside.
Anyway, if you want to bake the best vegan stuff ever, like scones and pies and lemon cheesecakes -- buy The Joy of Vegan Baking. It's my favorite.
Happy World Vegetarian Day! And the start of Vegan MoFo!
Ha. I think you forget what "near freezing" really is.
Cute little hand in the picture!
yeah, ohio's winters really suck. everyone who's human has seasonal affective disorder, or whatever it's called. it's amazing what sunshine and green foliage do for one's psyche.
nice scones! we've been really obsessed with scones as of late at my house. mostly because we have literally six bags of flour. it's great.
I love this time of year especially for the baking aspect!
Happy Mofo'ing - those Scones look yummy.
Growing up in Chicago, I can totally relate to this! Now that I'm in LA I get annoyed that it's still hot, even though I'll never forget how awful winters were. And I still eat like it's freezing outside!
Winter can be beautiful but the cold really takes away from that for me. You have to make your own beauty inside and pretend the outside just doesn't exist.
I love love love the holiday cooking. Since I'm no longer in my own reliable kitchen who knows what winter baking will come. The scones look amazing! especially as I'm reading this during breakfast.
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