Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Burger Challenge: I'm in deep

Truth be told, I've never made my own veggie burger patties. And somehow, Andrew's got me up in some semi-official burger cook off on Sunday. It's between this amazing artichoke burger in Cincinnati [[that I've never tasted]] and some Trader Joe's brand burger [[that I also have never tasted]]. His friend Jason swears by the artichoke burger, and in a moment of sheer cruelty [[well, it was out of love of my food]] Andrew claimed that I could make a better one.

Today begins my "burger test kitchen". And even though I have no idea how awesome this burger is that I'm up against, I'm going to try.

And that's where you come in. I'm tettering between a black bean burger or maybe a seitan burger -- but I don't know. Does anyone have any advice? What's your favorite burger? I'll report back tomorrow. Any help is much appreciated.


Ashley said...

If you do black bean I say make it pretty spicy. A savory, mushroomy, burger would be good too! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

my vote if for the black bean burger. throw in some corn & onions & such & make it semi-spicy.

Unknown said...

Ashley & Selina --

Thanks guys. I'll keep that in mind! :)

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Black bean, for sure!

chris said...

i say, a tempeh/gluten combo similar to vegan dad's recipe with your variation. good luck!

Unknown said...

Chris -- That IS a good one. I love him tempeh gyros!! Maybe I will do that. Thanks!!