I freaking love peanut brittle. Especially the chocolate covered brittle from See's Candy [[does that exist in Ohio?]]. Since I've been vegan I haven't had any, for obvious reasons, but whenever I got a box of assorted candies, that would be the first thing I'd look for. Andrew was convinced no one liked peanut brittle but me, until some 12-year-old on x-box live confirmed he liked it, too. That was a good moment for me.
This is a chocolate pumpkin seed brittle I adapted from the Joy of Vegan Baking [[the chocolate almond brittle]]. It's not really a brittle-- it's too soft. It's almost like a fudgy, nutty crumble. Ever since I made it, Andrew asks for it like every day. No joke.
It doesn't really need a recipe. It's basically equal parts melted butter and chocolate chips. Plus some pumpkin seeds and crushed graham crackers. I added a little agave and some cinnamon. Then you spread it thin in a greased pan and refrigerate it about 2 hours or until it's set. If you love brittle, this isn't exactly a brittle. I think next time I'll make a true brittle and dip it in chocolate. It works really well on ice cream, though.

Yep, I can get See's candy from where I am in Ohio :)
LOVE that brittle adaptation!
Oh my goodness!
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